What are the main causes of violence and division in the world ?


In my opinion ?


Religions, beliefs, political dogmas, intolerance toward different culture or race.


If we do not change toward a non violent species behavior, we are mostly all going to die.


Quote from René Girard « Selon René Girard, l’humanité devra bientôt choisir entre l’autodestruction et une conversion à la non-violence radicale »


Which mean that if we do not change instantly and massively toward a non violent behavior and mod of thinking, the 99% of the planet will perish.


I believe that Humanity can learn to become a big family, I believe we can succeed to consider each person of this world like a brother and a sister.


I believe it is engraved in our core, and that we will win this fight against Darkness.


We should forget old books that pretend to teach us about the nature of Life.


You can find God and your answers in yourself, trust me.


In society, we should not allow beliefs to take the lead of our lives.


Our society, we should use those 2 keywords to function before anything else, which are :


Compassion and Evidence


Which mean that if you agree to play by those 2 words, you will always be compassionate toward one or another, even give more than you could do for yourself. Be altruist first and not selfish, mathematically, someone will always take care of you if we All do.


And you will also not consider anything as factual until proven.


There is obviously things that goes beyond comprehension and Science cannot still explain, only the Heart can.


Everyone should be spiritual and look for answers, I am myself without doubt about the existence of a conscious Universe/God.


But NOTHING should push any of us to act violently, consider less than ourselves the others or enslave even in the name of God.

Anything that inspire division, intolerance, hate, violence should perish.


Unity is the key to our success.


NO ONE should be above one or another.


This pyramidal system, whatever it is, should cease.


The people in power aren’t leaders, they are scammers that take king seat and do whatever they want.


A system full of lies and corruption, full of manipulation and delusion, to bring us pain and suffering while they can create their scheme.


I believe that one day the police and the army will understand that they don’t have to obey to such people and will protect instead the citizens instead of this bad system and those fake elites that enslave us.


We have the actual technology and resources to provide shelter and food for everyone even if people do not have a function yet.


We could automatize a lot of job and calculate resources with the help of A.I.


That way there would be no more food scarcity everywhere in the world.


Imagine a One World Nation not filled with fear and massive surveillance but instead, filled with Trust and Love, and a strong desire to explore in the name of Science.


If you are interested to know more about the project, you can visit this website :

